Learn About Islam

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on understanding Islam. This section is designed to offer insights into the rich and diverse traditions of the Islamic faith. Whether you're new to Islam or seeking to deepen your knowledge, we provide a range of resources to support your journey. Explore the core beliefs, practices, history, and cultural aspects of Islam through our carefully curated sections.

The Basics of Islamic Beliefs

The Five Pillars of Islam

The Quran and Hadith

Islamic History and Culture

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I convert to Islam?
To convert to Islam, declare the Shahadah, the testimony of faith: "Ash-hadu an la ilaha illallah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah" (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger).
I have recently accepted Islam, do I need to change my name?
No, there is no mandatory requirement to change your name unless it carries an objectionable meaning in Islamic terms. The Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him, did not prescribe a universal mandate for everyone embracing Islam to alter their names. Rather, he focused on names with offensive or religiously objectionable meanings.

While it is recommended to adopt a Muslim name, it is not obligatory unless the current name contradicts Islamic principles. In cases where changing the name on official documents poses significant distress or harm, it suffices to make the change within family and social circles.

If a name change is pursued, it is advised to modify the first name only, without altering the family name or the father's name. This aligns with the Quranic injunction: "Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with Allah." (Quran 33:5)
Do I have to say the Testimony of Faith (Shahadah) in front of people?
No. You do not have to utter the two testimonies:

Laa ilaaha ill-Allah, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-ullah,

…in front of people to be considered a Muslim in the sight of God. You can say it to yourself.

What is important is that:

(i) you know the meaning of the Testimony of Faith

(ii) you actually utter the two testimonies verbally

(iii) your heart confirms it, you truly believe it, and intend to live by it to your best ability

The Messenger of Allah said:

“I testify that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah. Every servant who meets Allah without doubting it will be admitted to Paradise.” (Saheeh Muslim)

He also said,

“No one says 'La ilaha illa Allah' truthfully from their heart and dies upon it, but they will be protected from the Hell-Fire (i.e. they will be admitted into Paradise)." (Saheeh al-Bukhari)

At the same time, it is perfectly fine, and to your advantage, to pronounce it publicly, like in a mosque, so people know you are a Muslim. In some countries one has to be registered as a Muslim, so, in the case of death, the person is given a Muslim burial. Also, it is good to get a letter at some point from your local Islamic center stating you are a Muslim. It may be useful when applying to go for the Hajj pilgrimage, or officially declaring a marriage in a Muslim country.
Can I convert to Islam if I have tattoos?
Yes, you can convert to Islam even if you have tattoos. The acceptance of individuals into Islam is not contingent upon physical appearance or past choices. Islam emphasizes the importance of faith and sincerity in one's heart. If you decide to embrace Islam, your commitment and belief are the key factors.
How does Islam view Jesus and other prophets?
Islam reveres Jesus (Isa) as a prophet, not as the Son of God. Muslims believe in many prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad ﷺ, as messengers of God.
Do Muslims believe that all religions lead to the same end?
No. Islam very strongly rejects this statement. How is it possible that the Quran prohibits idol worship and describes it as the worst sin and then all those who worship idols will have the same end as those who don’t? How is it possible that the Quran states that God does not have a son and then all those who take him to behaving a son have the same end as those who don’t? How is it possible that the Quran describes God’s attributes and then those who negate His attributes or make additions or deletions to it, face the same end as those who don’t?
Do Muslims worship the black stone (Ka’bah) in Makkah?
The Ka’bah (cube) is the direction that Muslims face during their prayers. However, Muslims do not worship the Ka’bah at all. The evidence of this is that if the Ka’bah is destroyed by a flood or something else, Muslims will still face that direction in their prayers.

Again, if a Muslim is travelling and doesn’t know the direction of the Ka’bah, he/she is allowed to make his/her best judgement and pray in that direction and his/her prayers will be accepted even if he/she is not facing the Ka’bah. Muslims only worship and bow down to their Creator. Muslims worship One God, they have One Quran, they are one nation and they have one direction of prayer. All these aid them in their unity.

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